Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Post1 summary of p1-33

This book was written by Rebecca Skloot, talking about cells and the life of Henrietta Lacks, in order to encourage human to against cancer.Chapter 1 introducted the history of Johns Hopkins, the first tested of Henrietta's tumor on January 29, give more information about Johns Hopkins. Chapter 2 introducted and imformated the history of Virginia tobacco production. Chapter 3 give more imformation on the development of the Pap smear. More imformation was been known, the treatment of cancer was been clearer.
When Henrietta was pregnant, she went to hospital take a test , because she is a black, many doctor discriminated her, only doctor Jones give her a test. Finally, doctor fingered out a point that Henrietta had tumor, but he did not note it in the notebook. Henrietta did not know she had tumor, she lived as usual, finally, the tumor became cancer. Pages are talking about the cell and cencer.

1 comment:

  1. Good start to your summary! What were your impressions and questions?
